What a Time to be Alone

What a Time to be Alone

Written by: Chidera Eggerue

  • Publisher: Hardie Grant Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1787133141
  • ISBN-13: 9781787133143
  • eBook-What-a-Time-to-be-Alone.pdf

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Book Summary

In What A Time To Be Alone, The Slumflower will be your life guru, confidante and best friend. She�ll show you that being alone is not just okay: it�s just about the best freaking thing that�s ever happened to you. As she says, �You�re bad as hell and you were made with intention.� It�s about time you realised.

Peppered with insightful Igbo proverbs from Chidera�s Nigerian mother and full of her own original artwork, What A Time To Be Alone will help you navigate the modern world. We can all decide our own fates and Chidera shows us how, using a three-part approach filled with sass, wisdom and charm.

��� Learn how to celebrate YOU � decide your self-worth, take time to heal and empower yourself in this messy world.
��� Don�t worry about THEM � avoid other people�s demons and realize that everyone is protecting themselves from something � no matter how aggressive their method.
��� Feel the togetherness in US � sustain and grow healthy relationships and avoid toxicity in your friendships.

Own your story. Create your own narrative. Read this book. #WATTBA

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