How to Be Interesting

How to Be Interesting

Written by: Jessica Hagy

  • Publisher: Workman Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0761176861
  • ISBN-13: 9780761176862
  • eBook-How-to-Be-Interesting.pdf

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Book Summary

You want to leave a mark, not a blemish. Be a hero, not a spectator. You want to be interesting. (Who doesn�t?) But sometimes it takes a nudge, a wake-up call, an intervention!�and a little help. This is where Jessica Hagy comes in. A writer and illustrator of great economy, charm, and insight, she�s created How to Be Interesting, a uniquely inspirational how-to that combines fresh and pithy lessons with deceptively simple diagrams and charts.

Ms. Hagy started on, where she�s a weekly blogger, by creating a �How to Be Interesting� post that went viral, attracting 1.4 million viewers so far, with tens of thousands of them liking, linking, and tweeting the article. Now she�s deeply explored the ideas that resonated with so many readers to create this small and quirky book with a large and universal message. It�s a book about exploring: Talk to strangers. About taking chances: Expose yourself to ridicule, to risk, to wild ideas. About being childlike, not childish: Remember how amazing the world was before you learned to be cynical. About being open: Never take in the welcome mat. About breaking routine: Take daily vaca- tions . . . if only for a few minutes. About taking ownership: Whatever you�re doing, enjoy it, embrace it, master it as well as you can. And about growing a pair: If you�re not courageous, you�re going to be hanging around the water cooler, talking about the guy that actually is.

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